
Reclaimed and Re-upholstered

Month: May, 2014


Dear Tickety-Boodlers, our move to new, more, umm, bijou, premises, has focussed the mind vis a vis our stock levels. That is to say, I have to sell some of this stuff in order to make room for Henry the Hoover. We have a bedroom chair in pinkety-pink, and a a blanket box in matching. Both very fun, both taking up too much room. There’s the low birdhouse nursery/nursing chair which needs a home. If you think you can give these lovelies a home, please get in touch. We will have to interview you to make sure you are up to scratch, but short of being a pyromaniac, I think it’s probably a done deal.  If there’s ‘owt else in the webshop which tickles your whiffle, I am in a financially-vulnerable, not to say space-vulnerable, position at the moment- so you can make me an offer and I might well BITE YOUR HAND OFF.

On behalf of Henry, and his soppy eyes and moderately rude nose, thank you for reading.

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A Farewell To Arm(chair)s.

It is with heavy hearts that we will be bidding a farewell to our workshop at the end of this week. Yes, we paid our rent. Yes, it was lovely and light. Yes, we got a fair-ish amount of work done here. Umm, yes, it WAS up two flights of stairs. But it’s been earmarked for demolition. Honestly, it wasn’t something we said. If you’re a fan of the Nelson Street  street art you better get down here toot sweet ‘cos we’ll be losing the giant fox I’ve been daydreaming over for the past year. You can also kiss goodbye to the magnificent Marvel Mural Competition. I’ve just snapped two pieces in situ. They are up in the shop now. Please start a flurry of purchases so I don’t have to move ALL THIS STUFF to the new studio over the road at Bridewell Island. Honestly. I don’t know where I’m going to stick it all (no suggestions, thank you).

